Post by unwinding_fantasy on Mar 10, 2008 7:44:33 GMT 9.5
No. Unfortunately, I'm the pioneer/guinea pig.
Don't know how many of you will be able to answer this but... do you think he'll come out of that box as Jackman? (Jekyll.)
Post by sanderella59 on Mar 10, 2008 10:31:14 GMT 9.5
(I prefer to refer to myself as the prototype or Beta version!!!)
I hope it's Jackman/Jekyll, but for the sake of the story I think it will be more likely to be Hyde.
Have you seen James Nesbitt in anything else?
Post by killerbananas on Mar 10, 2008 14:49:14 GMT 9.5
I think I saw him in some British crime show...once upon a time- I may be mistaken though!
Enjoying Jekyll?
Post by sanderella59 on Mar 10, 2008 15:53:00 GMT 9.5
Very much so!
(James Nesbitt was also in "Cold Feet" - a series about 3 married couples. And by the by, Jekyll is written by Steven Moffat who did some of the new "Dr Who" eps, and the very funny series called "Coupling" - a British version of friends which also starred the girl who plays Dr Jackman's wife.
Are you a Dr Who fan?
Post by killerbananas on Mar 10, 2008 20:00:32 GMT 9.5
Nope, never really got into it- I'm an X-files person.
Own any old BBC shows on DVD?
Post by unwinding_fantasy on Mar 18, 2008 16:45:42 GMT 9.5
None. I don't own many DVDs at all, actually.
Do you do anything special for Easter?
Post by Emma on Mar 18, 2008 20:23:20 GMT 9.5
Yes, we have a camp each year that invovles lots of ppl from all over WA
Do you prefer Lindt chocolate over Cadbury chocolate
Post by klh44 on Mar 21, 2008 13:16:52 GMT 9.5
Lindt all the way!
do you pretend that your hairbrush is a microphone?
Post by unwinding_fantasy on Mar 21, 2008 17:57:29 GMT 9.5
Never. I do, however, sing in the shower. With the detachable shower nozzle. XD
Would you ever cosplay (as anything, not just Anthony-related roles)?
Post by klh44 on Mar 21, 2008 20:39:56 GMT 9.5
Would do, and have done.
Do you think the Beast is sexier before his transformation than after?
Post by killerbananas on Mar 25, 2008 11:50:05 GMT 9.5
Before! Although I'm more inclined to say 'handsome'. After transformation he's kind....weird. And tenor-ish XD
Would you take $500 rather than go to LSS? (My nan's made me that deal. I refuse to give up on LSS though!)
Post by klh44 on Mar 25, 2008 14:04:30 GMT 9.5
Have you ever been locked out of your own house?
Post by unwinding_fantasy on Mar 26, 2008 22:23:01 GMT 9.5
*laughs* Yeah. When I was a kid I closed the door, which had the latch-knob-thing turned, behind mum and I, locking my toddler brother in the house. Mother went psycho because the wood fire was still blaring. XD
Ever been caught re-gifting (i.e. giving a present someone gave you to another person)?
I hear the music play/ It carries me away
Posts: 31
Post by thisbe on Mar 28, 2008 10:52:05 GMT 9.5
No, thank goodness. If I was, I'd probably grin and say 'Just kidding!', you're real gift is on the way...
Have you ever adamantly not liked a song, but then changed your mind after hearing Anthony's version?
Post by killerbananas on Mar 28, 2008 19:24:20 GMT 9.5
Yes. Frank Sinatra's version of 'Soliloquy' was deemed "incredibly long and boring" by my younger self. Cue Anthony's version on the stereo- "this is how it should be sung!"
Ever seen a show that was unbearably bad?
I hear the music play/ It carries me away
Posts: 31
Post by thisbe on Mar 30, 2008 14:37:08 GMT 9.5
Oooh, Soliloquy for me too! And no, I fortunately have enjoyed every show I've been too. But then again I'm very picky. Do you like writing random lyrics from Anthony's songs in idle moments? (...because the song won't stop playing in your head!?)
Post by killerbananas on Mar 30, 2008 18:22:49 GMT 9.5
Yep- you should see my school books (maths being the worst- I got halfway through writing the first act of Phantom one time!)
Ever accidently sung aloud in public?
Post by unwinding_fantasy on Mar 30, 2008 22:25:34 GMT 9.5
All the time! I inflict myself on other people constantly. It's even worse if I'm in a group -- all modesty flees.
Should I kill this avatar and destroy all evidence it was ever made? (Let's face it; it's sad and pathetic, even by my standards! *giggletantrum*)
Post by killerbananas on Mar 30, 2008 22:45:43 GMT 9.5
I'm going to confess ignorance here- what does it say? So, I can't really give you a yes/no answer at this present time XD
Do you ever watch late night TV?
Post by unwinding_fantasy on Mar 31, 2008 8:51:23 GMT 9.5
On occasion, Cybershak and those dodgy quiz things.
(The icon came from a bunch of common fanfic abbreviations. It says AW/UF = OTP. Translation: you-know-who slashed with me is my "one true pairing". Sad, eh? XD)
Edit: Again, my question: should the avi rot in hell along with Hyde's evil deeds? I made the executive decision to kill it. So, new question:
Would you go see HSM on ice if someone paid you to?
Post by MuLo on Apr 10, 2008 21:50:44 GMT 9.5
I've just worked out what "HSM" is after seeing in on 60minutes on Sunday.
Sure, I'd go. Skating is something that I have tried and failed miserably at, I have great respect for those that can sing, dance act AND skate!!! Would that be a "Quadruple Threat"? HSM may be cheesy and corny - but let's face it; this litigious, war-obsessed, money-hungry, swearing and violent society could learn a lot from cheese and corn!! Good, clean, fun and children with broad smiles, that's gotta be a good thing!
Can you go a whole day without swearing?
Post by scuffa on Apr 10, 2008 22:33:06 GMT 9.5
If I don't have to deal with my manager - yes. I love it when he travels.
Ever turned off an Anthony song half way through?
Post by killerbananas on Apr 11, 2008 16:22:32 GMT 9.5
Not by choice- It's usually because I've arrived somewhere, or somene talks to me, I pause it and my iPod turns off...
Could you live without an MP3 player?
Post by unwinding_fantasy on Apr 11, 2008 16:37:11 GMT 9.5
Yes, but then I'd be carting around a battery operated CD player. XD
Would you ever eat octopus suckers?
Post by killerbananas on Apr 11, 2008 17:25:29 GMT 9.5
As a part of the octopus? Probably...
That reminded me of the eye dissection I did in psych yesterday. It was disturbingly fun...
Could you do a dissection?
Post by unwinding_fantasy on Apr 11, 2008 19:55:40 GMT 9.5
I'd be in trouble if I couldn't!
Ever watched Autopsy on SBS? (I think that's what it's called. The audience's reaction makes me chuckle.)
Post by killerbananas on Apr 11, 2008 21:28:55 GMT 9.5
Was that where they did an autopsy on a human in the studio? It was fascinating and amusing at the same time!
Ever watched Mythbusters?